Telephone Therapy: What You Should Know

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Nowadays, modern life makes a lot of people feel stressed and may later end up with problems. More and more people are getting access to the idea of telephone therapy instead of visiting a therapist, and recent study shows that telephone therapy has the same quality as face-to-face therapy.

Telephone therapy is the method which helps people with mental health issues receive treatment from a therapist via telephone or applications that allow users to make phone calls.

Why Is Telephone Therapy Gradually Replacing In-person Therapy?

One of the disadvantages of in-person therapy is that patients may find it difficult to visit a therapist weekly for several months, or find qualified therapists who are well-trained in psychotherapy.

If you are unable to visit the therapist’s office due to lack of time or the high cost of face-to-face therapy, you can turn to telephone therapy as a viable alternative option.

Telephone Therapy Bring The Same Improvement As In-person Therapy

The new research found that talking to a therapist by phone or in-person has no difference in quality. In another way of speaking, both phone and in-person therapy led to substantial improvement. People in need can follow guidance from doctors with psychotherapy and medications via phone.

Scores on different rating scales designed to measure mental symptoms indicated significant improvement in both groups. Making phone therapy more available can help more people in need of psychotherapy to get access to appropriate treatment.

Telephone Therapy Brings A Lot Of Benefits Compared To Face-to-face Therapy.

Telephone therapy offers another way that doctors and professional therapists can reach patients who live in rural areas. Professional therapists then can evaluate, and talk with patients at a certain time. Communication can be very effective through phone.

Making a phone call to the therapist entirely helps to save travel costs in any way. Moreover, it will save time for both patients and doctors. Patients don’t have to spend time moving, and doctors can access more people who need help. B

usy people can make an appointment in their free time or break lunch without leaving their company soon. Anyone who is limited by the costs will benefit from cheaper services, and they also don’t have to waste money and time traveling to the therapist’s office as well.

Telephone therapy, together with other kinds of remote therapy (using the Internet) provide us economical methods at a time when everyone is concerned about saving costs.

Many of us have grown up thinking that there is no alternative option for face-to-face treatment. Though in-person therapy may be an exact method, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are some new ways of helping patients suffering from depression and other mental symptoms that may be more suitable, affordable, and as effective.

Thinking out-of-the-box and out-of-the-office will lead to convenient and effective ways to help remove barriers that interfere with patients’ access psychotherapy.


Thanks to the new modern technology, people can know the quality of their treatment is not affected if they use telephone-based services. Thus, telephone therapy is now a great way of communicating to a professional therapist at a time that fits with your schedule and from any place you prefer.

Hope that this topic “Telephone Therapy: What You Should Knowwill help you get more knowledge about distance therapy and get more choices for your treatment



