Things You Should Never Do In Order to Have the Perfect Lawn

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We all want a great barefoot-friendly back hard covered in green soft carpet called a lawn. However, the process of creating and maintaining it proves to struggle for some people. Usually, inexperience leads to mistakes that can harm your grass or potentially create dried areas that must be treated afterward.

In this article, we decided to go through some of the most common mistakes people do and teach you how to maintain a perfect lawn.

Don’t Remove Glass Clippings

We’ve all heard about the myth that you have to instantly remove grass clippings once you mow it, otherwise, it can harm your grass. That is not true. In fact, grass clippings can actually help the overall process of growing grass and improve the health of your lawn. Of course, it has advantages and disadvantages. For starters, it will be a much easier job for you, and on the other hand, it might compromise the look of your lawn once the cut grass dries out.

Don’t Forget About Aerating

Over time the movement, football games or walking presses the soil making it more compact and difficult for air, water or vital nutrients to go through grassroots. In order to create the perfect environment for your crass, you have to loosen and aerate the soil. Basically, you can rent aerator that makes holes into the ground making it easier for the grass to grow.

Avoid using Dull Mower Blade

You have to care about your plants if you want to create the perfect lawn. Dull blades rip through the grass instead of slicing them which can stress the plant. You can spot when your grass is mowed with a dull blade if the top of the grass looks brown. That is why you have to take the time to sharpen the blade of your mower and keep it always in good shape.

Don’t Water Constantly Every Day

Water can get your lawn dependent and needy if it is exposed to too much water. This means that you should avoid watering it every day for a small amount of time, but instead, you should do it once a week for longer. This is a great way to keep your lawn healthy all the time.

Don’t Forget about Dethatching

Overtime, decomposing grass stems, clippings, and roods can accumulate at the top of the surface which will restrict airflow and water getting into the roots and eventually choke it to death. Over fertilized or overwatered areas are the main areas where this problem might exist. There are different techniques for removing thatch, and you must take action before it is too late.

Don’t Run Out of Hope for Shady Areas

Unfortunately, grass does not always grow perfectly everywhere. You might have some shady areas usually under trees where the process of grass growing is much harder. However, it is not impossible so you should never give up. The key factor is choosing the main species and planting method for your region and climate in order to succeed.

Don’t Over fertilize Shady Areas

Usually, people think that if they use fertilizer in shady areas it might help the grass growing process, which is not the case. In fact, it is the opposite and you will end up killing it faster. Obviously, two different areas where the sun is not the same need for different water and fertilizer needs. The grass in shady areas needs less water since it does not evaporate and less fertilized just because it receives less sun.

These are some of the common mistakes you should pay attention to in order to create a lawn as perfect as the turf of the SuperBowl 2020 field. There are many other things to take care of but most of them are simple methods and easy to do, so you will not have any problem with growing your grass.



