The Need for Literacy in India

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Literacy plays a vital role in the progress of any country. According to the 2011 Census India’s literacy rate has increased a bit. It has now reached 74%. While India gained independence in the year 1947, the literacy rate was 12% only. The government has launched various literacy programmes. Still the rate has been increasing sluggishly. According to 2011 Census, 2001 to 2011 literacy growth of India was even slower than the previous decade. An old study of 1990, India will achieve universal literacy in the year 2060 according to the progress rate of that time.

Gender disparity is severally responsible for this literacy rate. In the year 2011, only 64.60% were literate women, and 80.9% were literate men. Women usually are not encouraged to study, and as a result, from family planning to literacy rate in India, everything has been suffering.

The adult literacy rate of Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are much lesser than India while the adult literacy rate of China, Sri Lanka and Myanmar are much more than India.

We have to contribute and increase the literacy rate of India for the growth of our country.

How can you contribute in improving literacy rate in India?

Lok Kalyan Samiti has been making a great effort since the late 1980’s. Let’s check out what Lok Kalyan Samiti is and how they have been contributing to India’s literacy growth.

What is Lok Kalyan Samiti?

Lok Kalyan Samiti is one of the most prominent NGO’s in India that works for underprivileged children. Mostly the parents of these slum children cannot acquire the basic requirements of life which are food, clothing, and shelter. The volunteers of this NGO have been continuously investing their time and effort for the betterment of these people. They work for their literacy, education, healthcare, and even shelter. They have launched a new program, Sponsor a child in India for the impoverished children. Let’s know more about this outstanding program and its benefits.

Sponsor a child in India by Lok Kalyan Samiti

In the year 1975, they have shifted more than two lakh slum people to Nand Nagri and different other adjoining areas. Lok Kalyan Samiti has always been at the forefront when it comes to public service. They always wanted to do something for these needy people. That is why they started with sanitation, education, and healthcare. They started their journey long ago. Still, they have been continuing this venture of helping these needy people.

Contribution of Lok Kalyan Samiti to the society

The volunteers have walked through mud, different waterlogged lanes and encountered drug addicts, gamblers and even drunkards. They had horrifying experience. They still tried to be patient, and now the school education of Lok Kalyan Samiti is the only education center here.

This Program, Sponsor a Child in India includes various activities including free coaching, tuition for all these poverty-stricken children who attend the school of Lok Kalyan Samiti.

Do you want to sponsor a child’s education in India?

If you want to contribute to this great work, you can visit this page for more information. All you have to do is call on the number of Lok Kalyan Samiti. They will make you understand the complete procedure. Alternately, you can visit their official website and make a donation online. Always keep in mind that even a small contribution can bring a big smile in a child’s face.
