The Advantages of Using Rubber Stable Matting

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Using rubber matting in lieu of horse bedding can be a gamechanger for horse owners and stable workers. Here is our quick guide to why you should make the switch.

Money, money, money

You can save a lot of money over the course of your horse’s lifespan by using rubber horse matting as a base for your bedding. Rather than just using straw or shavings on their own, use them in conjunction with a rubber layer – you’ll use significantly less and also provide a greater degree of comfort to the animal.

The initial costs are greater when you use rubber matting instead of traditional horse bedding – but you will very quickly recoup that initial outlay. An added benefit arises if your horse is guilty of eating his or her bedding – they will be less inclined to eat rubber than straw.

You’ll also save money by not having to provide storage space for your fresh and used straw or other bedding materials.

Time is of the essence

Reduce the time you spend mucking out your stable by simply sweeping your rubber matting and, if necessary, giving it a quick spray. No need to remove and replace large amounts of straw or other materials, no need to break your back scrubbing away at floors.

Animal care

Rubber matting provides a more comfortable surface for your horse to stand or lie down on – minimising injuries to your animal as well as reducing stiff joints and scrapes. In addition to providing a cushioned, shock-absorbing surface, the rubber matting provides a great level of insulation against the cold of the concrete or wooden floor of your stable – keeping your horse warmer and more relaxed. Sound will also be dampened, meaning that when your horses get up or move about, they make significantly less noise and don’t disturb you or your or other animals.

On the hygiene side – because rubber is so easy to clean, your horse will have a much more hygienic and sanitary home. A well installed and good quality rubber mat will provide drainage as well, so you’ll have much less of an odour issue from horse urine.

Due to the fact that you can replace a lot of straw or shavings by incorporating a rubber stable mat into the environment, your horse will also have a much more dust-free atmosphere.

One of the key attributes of rubber matting is that it is non-slip. Your horse will be able to get much better traction on a rubber mat than on almost any other surface, so you’ll have less slips, falls and casting to contend with.

Other benefits

Many stable keepers also use rubber matting on the walls. This is a great way of protecting the building from kicks, bites and scrapes, and also gives a little more comfort to the horse itself.

Don’t forget about your horse boxes, trailers and washing/grooming areas – whilst comfort might not be a huge priority in these spaces, the anti-slip and easy-to-clean properties make the investment well worth it.

Author Bio: First Mats started life as safety matting specialists, but have since expanded to become a complete industrial and commercial supplies company. The focus of First Mats is to provide safety-focused products that improve the wellbeing of staff through quality approved products, backed up by extensive knowledge.
