How To Find The Right Mental Health Counselor?

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A counselor is a person who has been trained to give people advice on personal problems. It is not easy to find the one that matches your expectations, but do not worry! This article will provide you a specific guide on how to find the right mental health counselor.

How to choose a perfect mental health counselor?

A perfect personal counselor or therapist is a person who makes you feel comfortable and willing to share your thoughts. It is important to find the right one as they play an important role in your life. Below are seven steps for you to find an ideal counselor.

1.     Ask for referral

It is better to get recommendations from your family or friends who are having or have gone through mental treatment. If not, try to ask your doctor, healthcare providers for a referral list of counselors.

2.     Factors to consider for a perfect counselor.

After getting a list of potential therapists. You will have to consider some factors for choosing a perfect one. Here are some main features for you to think:

  • Gender: Since a counselor is a person who makes you feel comfortable sharing your personal problems so you have to consider their gender.
  • Age: What age of the therapist do you feel relaxed to share your thoughts? Same age as you, someone who is older or younger than you?

3.     Research

After you have found out all the factors for a suitable counselor for you. Just focus on the therapists on the list that matches your needs then make research about them. This step will help you to have all the basic information about the counselor and type of treatment that they offer.

4.     Look for counselor experience

If you have already identified what your problem is then try to look for a counselor who specializes in that area. The more experience the therapist has, the better treatment you will get.

5.     Check their license

One of the most important things to do is to check for the counselor’s license. This document will provide you if the therapist has sufficient knowledge and skills for treatment or if they have received any complaints before.

6.     Read patient review

Another essential step to make sure you are choosing the perfect counselor is reading the patient review. You will get a lot of useful information such as how well the patient recovered after taking the treatment, how is the service there,…

7.     Evaluate the counselor during the first met

By asking questions during the first treatment, you will determine who is the perfect counselor for you. Choose a counselor whom you can trust, willing to spend his or her time to listen to your pains and the one who will help you to overcome your difficulties.


After reading this article, now you know how to find the right mental health counselor. By following these steps, you will find a perfect personal counselor for yourself.

Moreover, if you are still considering what type of mental health support is right for you, read this article on BetterHelp to get a better idea of what options may be best for you.
