How To Deal With Beehives On Your Property

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If you have a beehive in the garden, your shed or anywhere else on your property it might be causing a bit of a ‘buzz’, becoming a nuisance to you, your family or your neighbours. As bees often stay in their chosen hive location for up to eight years and can cause structural damage to your home if they nest within a wall cavity, you will more than likely want to remove any beehive you encounter on your property sooner rather than later. This will be especially true and more urgent if anyone in your household is allergic to bee stings.

With the bee population in global decline and knowing that bees play a vital role in our ecosystem by pollinating lots of the fruits and vegetables we eat daily, as well as the flowers we grow in our gardens to add a splash of colour to our homes, you probably won’t want to hurt or kill the bees unless absolutely necessary. That’s where a specialist in bee removal in Melbourne can help you out of this sticky situation.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways you can deal with beehives on your property.

Try To Pinpoint The Location Of The Beehive

If you are not sure of the precise location of the beehive and have just seen the bees coming and going and flying around, try to identify exactly where the bees are nesting. If the hive is inside your home, try to figure out how and where the bees have gotten in. Do not attempt to block access to the beehive, as this could cause the bees to relocate in other areas of your home in search of the hive.

Give The Bees Their Space

When dealing with bees and any insects that sting, it’s always a good idea to avoid angering them. A swarm of bees will typically gather in one spot to protect their queen and most bee species only sting when they feel their hive or their queen are threatened. If you keep your distance and steer clear of this area and give the bees their space, this lowers your chances of provoking the hive.

Your children and pets may get stung if they antagonise the bees too so it’s a good idea to keep them and anyone sensitive to insect stings inside, away from the bees. If the beehive inside your home, try to cordon off the area. Any interference with the beehive will only make it harder for a beekeeper or pest control specialist to remove the hive later.

Don’t DIY – Call A Professional

If the beehive on your property is a hive of honeybees, then maybe a local beekeeper could remove or relocate the bees for you. For other bee species or large indoor hives, getting rid of bees may require the services of a pest removal professional.

Do not try to do this yourself as there are a host of things that can and probably will go wrong. It might seem simple to spray the hive with an insecticide but you need to make sure that this is environmentally safe for your family, pets and plants. If you try to catch the bees using a trap then you end up having to dispose of a container full of angry insects. Also, if the trap doesn’t capture all of the bees at once, the rest of the hive will remain an issue in your home.

Remove Any Traces And Repair The Damage

When the hive has been successfully removed from your home, remove any traces of the hive such as remaining pieces of honeycomb or honey residue so as not to attract more bees or other types of pests into your home. You will also want to repair any damage caused by the beehive as well as seal up any entry points that could be used as an entry point by a new colony of bees or any other pests in the future.

What’s The Buzz?

So if you hear a buzzing sound or notice a colony of bees in and around your property, don’t panic! Simply pinpoint their location if you can, give them some space and call in a professional for help removing the little buzzers.
