Do Pests Put You At Risk For COVID-19

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Many people are concerned about the pandemic and public health emergency we are experiencing. Though, what does that mean if you have frequent pests visiting your home or even living in your home? Believe it or not, those pests may put you at an even higher risk for the virus sweeping the nation. If you suspect you are dealing with raccoons in your attic or a mouse infestation, it is more important than ever that you contact a professional pest control agent. Here’s a list of some animals that you may have deemed harmless but are hazardous to your health.


Many animal droppings can be toxic when around humans. Raccoons, for instance, have hazardous feces because it contains roundworms. Roundworm lays eggs in the feces, and if inhaled by humans, it can cause severe symptoms. The roundworm is dangerous and you should not attempt to remove the raccoon on your own for this reason. Though many sites have tutorials, if there are any droppings one should never attempt this without a professional present.


Cockroaches are drawn to any space with food, and that puts your home at risk right away. Roaches are notoriously known to cause problems because they are attracted to dark areas that humans are usually unable to see. The times in which humans may encounter a cockroach is when they are cleaning or pulling out furniture that the roaches have made their home. The bugs will scurry about, and beyond looking unappealing, they can cause respiratory issues as well. Anyone with allergies or asthma could be at a higher risk of problems caused by cockroaches. The body recognizes the similarity to dust mites, and if one does have a dust mite allergy (which is a common allergy), they will likely have a difficult time with roaches as well.


Termites are another, unfortunately, common infestation. Termites live off of wood and can also eat paper plastic and drywall. The fact that you live in a homemade out of their diet, practically a candy land for these pests, makes it a high possibility that you will encounter termites at some point in your life. Termites can also cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions in humans, similar to roaches. Termites usually spend their time outside in trees, and they can contract environmental allergens. Their droppings or saliva can also cause an allergic response in the human body. They do not travel light either; they travel in heavy packs, which would cause many issues to someone with allergies or asthma. They eat wood, which means that you may encounter far more wood or “dust” falling loose in your home, which can also contribute to respiratory difficulties.


Mice are not great roommates, either. Besides causing problems in your home, such as chewing through wires and pipes, mice are unsanitary, and that can become problematic. Like many of the pests mentioned above, their droppings and saliva are a threat to your health. Mice are more dangerous than others as they can spread diseases that are deadly to humans. The more mice you are exposed to, the higher your risk can be for contracting these diseases. It’s a safe bet that if you find one mouse in your home, there are likely several more that you have yet to discover. They are exceptionally equipped at creating or locating small entrances into your home. Make sure you seal all openings to keep these intruders away. If you suspect you are dealing with an infestation, there will be some clues for more information click here.

Sharing your home with pests comes with many health risks. It is essential to be aware and put a stop to any unwelcome visitors as soon as possible. During this crisis, this is a critical time for everyone to be mindful of their health. Even if you have allergies and no other condition, that still means your immunes system is compromised. If any of these animals have intruded into your home, please do not wait to contact a professional. You should take precautions everywhere possible to keep your family safe from diseases or health complications at this time.

