Drought In Northern California

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California experiences more drought and floods per average year than any other state in America. The state has now moved to an extreme drought level for close to 5% of the state. The United States Drought Monitor data listed far parts of Northern California as the most affected by the condition. Areas such as Eureka are down more than 15” of rain from the season’s average.

Some parts have already been classified under the “extreme drought” category. Regions in the Eel and Klamath river watershed and some Southern Oregon parts already lie in this category.

Possible impacts

So does this condition mean to the regions and residents? The US Drought Monitor notes how this pattern may affect life in the future.

Some areas will experience fish migration patterns being disrupted when rivers run lower in water levels. Hydropower may also be reduced to retain more water in larger water bodies like Trinity Lake and Lake Shasta.

Water reservoirs are also expected to drop significantly.

Locals’ activities could also be impacted in terms of agriculture. Farming, in general, could reduce.

The most recent drought started in late winter 2020 and is expected to extend through winter 2021.

The region’s rainfall has been on record lows, which spells trouble for farms, wildfires, and residents. The region has only experienced between 30% and 70% of its expected precipitation. This means Northern California is experiencing one of the worst multi-year droughts since 1849.

The usual months that experience the heaviest rainfall (January and March) has seen the start of the rainfall period delayed.

Getting Ready

The impact of the 2012-2016 drought was estimated to be $9 billion, according to a study by Jay Lund, a professor on civil and environmental engineering at the University of California.

The study revealed that the first years of the drought period are always not so severe, and agriculture can still withstand the condition without much trouble.  But if the period extends to the third and fourth year, more trouble is experienced.

The cost of the 2012-2016 drought period has been worse, and many states haven’t yet recovered from it. More drought only means much trouble looming.

Agriculture, the state’s biggest water consumer during water years, will feel the heat as less water will be available for use.

What does this mean for your trees?

It’s a misconception to believe the idea of not planting or caring for your trees during drought. With strategy, you can plant or maintain your trees during this season.

You just need to master the skill of how to care for your trees during drought. Besides, if you plan to plant trees, you should go for trees that use less water and are drought-tolerant, and native to Northern California.

Native trees send deep their roots to seek water into the soil since they are well adapted to the soil.

California is cyclical. The cyclical drought has been part of the state for more than 7000 years, with some droughts going for more than a decade. Planting trees and maintaining them help us cope with the condition for the health of our towns.

You can hire professional tree service in Lodi CA, for expert help to make the right tree care decision during this period.
