How to get rid of depression with gardening?

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Stress is one of the most common problems today. In which, more than half of Americans are anxious every day, and 83% of employees are stressed from work.

If you are one of them, don’t be subjective. Start to improve your mood. In particular, the simplest way is to implement some good habits like gardening.

So, how to get rid of depression with gardening?

Let’s dig into it!

How gardening decreases your stress

Make your living space fresher

Living in a natural environment, including sunshine, wind, fresh air, soil, and plants, will help you feel refreshed. Obviously, gardening is a wild therapy, making the urban environment you live in becomes healthier.

Reduce the stress hormone

Stress is the way your body responds to the negative factors happening in your life. Therefore, it is also caused by a hormone in the body, which can be phased out by gardening.

Temporarily erase your worries

Gardening helps you improve your attention, thereby forget the issues that cause your anxiety or negative thoughts. You will only worry about whether you water the tree enough, how to kill insects, or how long the plant has fruits, etc.


Compared to drugs and other procedures that use machines, gardening is still safer, not affecting the psychology of patients. Besides, it is also suitable for those who do not want to answer advisors’ questions.

Help you feel happier

The feeling of caring for a sprout and waiting for it to flower is very interesting, right? Growing plants will help you think more positively and live happily. In other words, it will change the way you see your problem, making things easier to be solved.

So what can we do?

You are the one with psychic and mental health problems. Therefore, you should not start with a hard task that will make you more stressed. A small and medium-sized tree would be best suited in the situation.

There are many factors that you need to consider before choosing the type of tree to plant.

The first is the space where you will plant it. If you have a garden, it will be very convenient, and you can choose any kind of plant you like. However, if you can only grow them indoors, choose a proper-sized one.

Second, if you don’t have a lot of free time every day, choose some plants that don’t require much water such as cacti, or plants that grow quickly like vines.

Finally, invite a close friend or relative to do gardening with you. Having a loved one to talk and share your worries with is also an ideal solution for you.

Hopefully, with the above information about the benefits of gardening on human stress in modern society, you will always be happy and no longer anxious. If you need further guides, it’s important to speak up and reach out.  One great resource for help can be found here. BetterHelp can custom-match you to a therapist that can help you move through and beyond whatever struggles you’re facing. Please like and share the article with others if you find it useful. Thank you.

