How to Grow Marijuana Properly

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Because of the continuous legalization of cannabis for recreational consumption–like using dry herb vapes such as Exxus–and for medical use many consumers have tried to grow their own botanical plant material. Not only is growing your own cannabis practical but it also allows you to ensure that you know what’s in your plant. Growing your own plant is also a fulfilling experience allowing you to develop a bond and a level of closeness to the plant matter. If you’re ever planning to grow your own, here are a few tips on how you can grow marijuana properly.

Select the right seeds.

Arguably, the best way to properly grow marijuana plant is to start from the seed. Where else will you start, if you want to start somewhere to get it right better get it right the first time. There’s a slew of cannabis seeds you can choose from. Varieties like Sativa, Indica, as well as Ruderalis giving you a wide selection of cannabis strains. Depending on your needs or your preference, you can choose a strain that’s THC or CBD dominant, you can also find ones with 1:1 ratio where you can get the full experience of the entourage effect.

The right seeds will produce healthy plants with large yields. Remember, make sure to purchase from a reputable seller and always ask for assistance if you’re not familiar with the strains they sell. Also, take into consideration your growing environment, some strains grow well in small areas while some require a more sensitive approach.

Familiarize yourself with the process.

One of the best ways of growing cannabis properly is to follow the fundamental steps and processes of tending to the plant. Here’s what you need to know.

There are several aspects that are important to growing cannabis or any type of plant, they are:

  • Air
  • Water
  • Light
  • Medium
  • Temperature

Air is essential not only for plants but for all living things. Making sure that the variety of cannabis you’re growing will get its fair share of fresh air. Your growing environment must have proper ventilation which is why a lot of growers prefer growing marijuana in outdoor conservatories where the plant matter is exposed to cool and fresh breeze. However, if you plan to grow your cannabis at home, make sure to give your marijuana plant an avenue for fresh air to come in and stale air to leave the area. Many growers use fans to aid air ventilation so the air in the growing are remains fresh and clean.

Water is necessary but in appropriate amounts, water serves as a catalyst for the plant to transfer important nutrients to its parts for it to perform its biological functions. Ideally, the plants’ roots suck up nutrients from the soil which is helped by the water in absorption and distribution. It carries nutrients as well as dissolved sugar through the plant. Water also keep the plants healthy and strong as it helps the plant standing erect. Without enough water in a plat cell, a plant will bend and bow. You don’t want an unhealthy marijuana, right? While many growers prefer rain water for watering their marijuana, tap water or city water will be enough. If you want to spend a little more and treat your cannabis plants, you can use distilled water since they will not contain as much chemicals found in tap water and will often be subjected to distillation and purification ridding it of chemicals and harmful minerals in the process.

While light is a crucial part of growth for plants, it’s something growers can play with in order to get the yield they want from their plants. Before we begin talking about lighting and how to play with it to control it, you must understand that by nature, cannabis plants are considered as flowering plants. Having said, nature dictates that they bear fruit only once a year when daytime is shorter. For growers who keep their plants indoors, knowing the natural behavior of cannabis plants is important. Controlling light exposure and bending the plant can increase yield and potentially produce more potent products. Nevertheless, as a general rule, outdoor lighting must be postponed until your cannabis plants can withstand 12 hours of light exposure.

Medium is where you grow your plants, it can be in the form of soil, coco coir or husks, or in a reservoir with deep water. Your growing medium will not only affect your growing environment but will also affect the way you grow your plants. The is because the way you provide nutrients to your plant will differ depending on the medium you use.

Lastly, temperature will also play a vital role in growing your cannabis strains. Although cannabis is considered to be a hardy plant – hence dubbed weed because it grows almost anywhere – too much exposure to frigid and humid climate can damage the plant. Cold weather can cause the pollen or kief to freeze and easily fall off the plant. Kief carries some of the most potent compounds found in the plant which is why specialized dry herb grinders are made to collect kief and use it for different applications.

Should you follow these tips in growing your marijuana plants properly, you’ll end up with a healthy yield. After you’ve grown your cannabis plants; the next step is to store it properly.


When storing marijuana plants, you’ll find that the same practice and principle in growing applies to storing your marijuana plant. This includes temperature, cannabis plants must not be stored in places with high temperature as heat and humidity are agents of degradation. Just make sure that the harvested cannabis is kept away from heat and direct sunlight. Moreover, keep the harvested weed away from appliances as static shock can kill some of the terpenes and this will reduce the potency of the plant matter overall. Also, make sure to keep the herbs in an air-tight container to ensure that unclear air will not permeate the herbs inside the container. This will ensure that too much air will not make its way into the container and cause bacteria and other microorganisms to develop and harm the plant matter.





