How to Lay Artificial Grass on Concrete

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Are you tired of your concrete patio? Would you love lush, green grass instead? Are you wondering whether or not the concrete will allow you to grow grass? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, read on. There are many others who find themselves in the same situation as you.

This information is especially important for those who are considering ripping up the concrete to replace it with grass. This can be a costly and time-consuming decision.

Can You Grow Grass Over Concrete?

Consider what grass needs to grow.

  • The roots need space to establish themselves.
  • Water has to be able to penetrate the soil in order to sustain the grass.

Concrete is not a good surface for grass. You can’t just toss a bit of soil on top and expect it to grow. On the other hand, artificial grass will work wonderfully over concrete. You won’t have to worry about maintenance with it. While you may be able to get real grass to grow, it won’t thrive or live for very long. The concrete will keep it from absorbing the water it needs to survive.

Installing Artificial Grass over Concrete

Artificial grass being placed over hard surfaces is becoming very popular. If this is something that you want to do, follow the instructions in this guide.

  1. Determine the look that you want. Figure out the height of your grass and how long you want it.
  2. Clean the patio. You must start with a clean surface. Remove debris then use a hose with a stiff brush to clean the surface. This is also a good time to ensure that the patio is level.
  3. Next comes the performance pad. Lay this out flat, joining it with tape and glue. This pad will provide a nice cushion for the patio.
  4. Now you lay the turf. It’s recommended that you leave a bit of overlay that can be trimmed later. The turf should be left to settle for at least three hours. This helps prevent wrinkles. Experts recommend that the turf is installed with the pile leaning toward the house. This gives the turf a more natural look.
  5. Trim the turf to the right size. Be sure to use a sharp knife. You want to leave a perfectly straight edge.
  6. Use quality tape and glue if you have to make any joins. Don’t cut corners here. You want the turf to have a natural look and that includes having secure joins. If you are laying turf over a wooden surface, carpet tacks can also be used.
  7. Finally, it’s time to secure the turf. You have a couple of options for doing this. You can use dots of adhesive on the back to hold the turf in place. If you don’t want to do that, you can use decorative accents to hold it down. Planters, statues, chairs and other patio accents will do the job.

The Value of Artificial Landscaping Spikes


By HomeLight Homes

If you need help laying your artificial grass, chat with a reputable tradesman in your area.

