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Compromises are best avoided when it comes to health. A healthy diet is the surest path to a healthy body. A healthy diet consists of essential nutrients needed for proper functioning of body organs. These nutrients can be natural as well as supplementary (synthetic). Natural nutrients are obtained from the whole food that we consume. Fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, pulses, and all the other naturally harvested things that we consume are rich with these natural nutrients. Now that we are talking about natural nutrients, why don’t we go through some of the natural nutrients? Here is a list of few indispensable natural nutrients:
Carbohydrates are the most abundantly available nutrients. These include all the sugars, starch, and fibers found in veggies and fruits. These are essentially the molecules that supply energy to our body. Although their deficiency does not cause many problems, their excess can lead to diabetic disorders and other cardiovascular diseases. These are formed in green plants during the process of photosynthesis. Also, known as saccharides, they are categorized into four types primarily: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Proteins are essentially the structural elements of all the organisms. These are macromolecules consisting of long chains of amino acids. Our body needs proteins to repair and form new tissues. A protein-rich diet is necessary for developing the body. Even our hair and nails are typically made of proteins. Most of the proteins are synthesized within our body by different glands. A certain few may be obtained from natural sources also. Meat is an abundant source of quality protein.
Another class of natural nutrients essential for good health is vitamins. They promote healthy metabolism. They help in proper functioning of the body by promoting the secretion of enzymes and facilitating biochemical reactions. There are around 6 vitamins identified by biologists that are essential for the proper functioning of humans.
Vitamin A
Its deficiency can cause night blindness whereas excess can lead to hair fall. Vitamin A rich foods include ripe yellow fruits, carrots, liver, etc.
Vitamin B
There are about eight types of Vitamin B namely: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. Each of these vitamins performs a specific function in metabolism.
Vitamin C
Usually found in citric fruits, Vitamin C is necessary for healthy development of gums and dermis cells. It is important for enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters and tissue repair.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is necessary for the development of bones and the immune system. A common source of Vitamin D is sunlight.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E facilitates the healing of wounds.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is helpful in protein synthesis, coagulation of blood, and binding calcium in bones.
Fats are essentially lipids and oils necessary for proper metabolism and an abundant source of energy. Fats also protect body organs against shocks and possible damage due to hits. These are aliphatic chains of oils soluble in specific organic solvents only. If you wish to know more about how fatty acids and oils benefit our health, you can visit Their deficiency can lead to fatigue but excess is far more dangerous. An excess of fats in the body can lead to obesity, diabetic disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.
Many cellular functions require specific minerals for their completion. There are a few important minerals that are required for proper functioning of cells if consumed in an appropriate amount.
Calcium is the main component of bones. Therefore, proper intake of calcium in the diet is very important for bone development and repair.
More than 300 enzymes require magnesium for their proper functioning. It is an essential ion required for cellular metabolism.
Phosphorus and magnesium reactions are crucial for nucleic acid formations. Since proteins are essentially formed out of these nucleic acids and amino acids, phosphorus is needed for their synthesis.
Sodium regulates blood pressure, blood volume, pH and osmotic equilibrium in the human body. Although its deficiency does not affect much, its excess can lead to hypertension. Appropriate intake of sodium in food is necessary.
There are many other essential nutrients that ensure good health. These include amino acids, cholesterol, sugar, and a few other minerals in a small amount. A healthy body is ensured when a properly balanced diet is consumed. You can consult a dietician to know what you should consume and when you should consume. A dietician can help you plan your diet depending upon your health condition and your health history. Hope that this article helps you sustain a healthy lifestyle.