Outdoor kitchen Landscaping- Know all about it!

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A kitchen, no wonder forms an indispensable part of any home. The latest landscaping trends talk about the concept of outdoor kitchens. The idea of not confining the art of culinary in the four-walled world has proved itself quite revolutionary. Most people now, prefer to have an outdoor kitchen set-up & why not given the flexibility it offers.

While having an outdoor kitchen can be rewarding but the decision can go haywire if not taken care of certain details. May it be the minute point like location or the overall functionality, there comes a number of factors to consider before planning an outdoor kitchen landscaping.

This article talks about all the key points that one must consider while getting yourself an outdoor kitchen & turn your backyard space into a lavish kitchen. Let’s have a quick look here-

  1. Plan the landscaping right
  2. Location- Choose the best
  3. Be Curious- Ask Questions
  4. Be handy with kitchen equipment
  5. Different kinds of lights
  6. Avoid the mistakes others already made

1. Plan the landscaping right

The points of designing & landscaping become too important when you’re talking about a concept such as an outdoor kitchen. It decides the kind of ambiance your future dining & cooking space holds. It is essential to clear up details such as the size of the kitchen, the space to be used or the particular pattern to be followed.

Understand the functionality of this one will be similar to that of an indoor kitchen. See that there are different areas meant for cooking, serving, plating, cleaning up etc. with adequate space. The factor here to consider is the proximity and distance between these sections.

2. Location- Choose the best

The location & placement of your outdoor kitchen plays an essential role in the whole planning. It, of course, makes better sense if your outdoor kitchen is located near your home. As per a number of home experts, ideally, the landscaping of an outdoor kitchen should be such that it offers regular water supply. Considering the hygienic requirements, it is essential that both the inflow & outflow of water is maintained fine.

Other than these, factors such as proper ventilation & lighting are to be considered as well. See that there’s ample room for natural shade in the kitchen. The view, on the other hand, will be something your friends at barbeque will be looking forward to a scenic beauty outside of your kitchen. Check the placement accordingly.

3. Be curious- Ask questions

Yes, you got to ask questions about everything that’s being planned with the landscaping point of view. The contractors you choose must know everything and must be able to explain all the details to you with right directions.

Right from questions such as why would you need an outdoor kitchen to what should be an ideal kitchen size for your family, you must clear it all. It is indeed important the upcoming kitchen & dining space is made in such a way that you want it to be. For this to happen, ensure that you outsource the planning to trustable contractors such as Terra Nova. You can always expect better guidance from such firms.

When you are investing a considerable amount of time and money on something, the final product should hold a decent value. So, asking questions to be sure still remains a key point.

4. Be Handy with Kitchen Equipment

Depending upon your requirements, you have to take a keen look at the kind of kitchen equipment you’ll be installing. Think about the usability of them, which one will be used to grill or cook your favorite broth recipes… Make a list of appliances and accessories which will be needed to make it the ideal space you ever wanted. Most of it will depend upon whether you want things to be kept simple or give you an exclusive feeling.

It’ll decide the kind of storage you’d need, the countertop material to be added, the grills and the type of sinks to be added.

The overall budget tends to vary with the kind of material and brand you choose for your preferred appliances. So, it is important to strike off the things you won’t need much adding to the unnecessary spending. Instead, it is preferable to go with simple & required accessories.

These may include sinks, cabinets, in-built grills etc.

5. Different kinds of lights

May it be any area of your home, if the lighting is good, the place shines up right. Whether the kitchen is indoor or outdoor, its lighting carries a unique value. The correct lighting caters to various factors such as adding to the visual appeal or to brighten up the work surfaces. While the usual kitchen can have a similar lighting plan like that of rest of the house, an open-kitchen lighting scheme can differ a bit.

You can put your creativity to some good use here & plan the lights on trees and near bar styled stools. Having spotlights can fix a lot of related issues if placed correctly. Just a pro tip, you must have some extra set of the battery supported bulbs in case the electricity messes up.

6. Avoid the mistakes others already made

This is one special point to mention. We’re sure while preparing your own outdoor kitchen landscaping plan, you’d be taking a word of advice from people who have already built their own. The point is to learn from their mistakes.

The most common mistakes that we’ve survey are not keeping enough area for food preparation. While you plan most of dining & seating arrangement, the core area for food preparation gets mixed up a bit. Always ensure that there’s enough space around the grill & sink to maintain cooking.

The other mistake that people often tend to make deals with lighting. Indeed it is tough to plan the perfect lighting system for your outdoor kitchen but if it is not done right, the seating & cooking systems are going to have an adverse impact. See that you deal with issues beforehand so as to avoid problems later.

Final Thoughts

Having an outdoor kitchen can be thrilling and amazing at the same time but planning it up remains an essential point. If done right, this adds to the beauty of your home & delight for your guests.

Building an outdoor kitchen is a inspirational idea to use up the extra space & get a relaxing change for yourself. Make sure that you keep a track of all the points mentioned above & get an open outdoor kitchen that you had always dreamt of!

Author Bio

Jean Francia is a business consultant at Terra Nova Landscaping. When she’s free, she’s usually on her bed, lazily cuddling with her Chihuahua Gemini.

