Why Roofing Inspections Are Important for Homeowners

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It is difficult to know if a roof is in good condition by merely looking at it. This is why homeowners need to hire an inspection company to assess the condition of their roofs. Some homeowners ward off this idea for many reasons. They may find it hard to get a genuine roofing contractor or they don’t see any importance in hiring one.

In certain big areas like North Carolina, roof repairs can be on the high side. So if you decide to hire a roofing company without having an inspection done first, you could put yourself at the risk of spending so much. You may want to visit https://www.bobvila.com/articles/hiring-a-roofer/ to know how you can hire a roofer.

Both prospective and existing homeowners need to know the value of roof inspection. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss what it involves and why it is important to every homeowner.

What is Involved in a Roof Inspection?

A well-defined inspection covers every side of the roof. This includes the vents, tiles, shingles, and drainage. The inspector will check for:

  • Mold build-up
  • Damage caused by a seismic occurrence
  • Vents or drainage damage
  • Cracks and rust that will lead to leakage
  • Extreme deterioration
  • Nail damage
  • Damaged shingles
  • Improperly installed shingles

An inspector will carry out various tests to check the stability and integrity of a roof. Some of these tests are technical, an example is the gas leakage test. The inspector will check if there are moisture bubbles trapped in the insulation. This indicates that gas has been leaking and evaporating into the rooftop.

The quicker this assessment is carried out, the better you can ascertain what issues could be potentially harmful and take corrective measures promptly. Now that we know what this professional assessment involves, let us see its importance to homeowners.

Benefits of Roof Inspection to Homeowners

Here are ten benefits to expect from an inspection:

1. A Well-Detailed Surface Evaluation

A professional inspector will start the assessment by checking every corner of the rooftop. Of course, it is sometimes possible to do your roof assessment yourself. But with a pro, there will be a thorough evaluation to ascertain what the problem is.

Many serious damages cannot be easily detected, but these inspectors are trained to detect these issues even when they are not obvious. They have the necessary training and materials that help them do a good job for you.

2. It Secures Your Warranty

Some roofing warranties make it mandatory for homeowners to have a yearly or bi-yearly inspection. In this way, they can maintain their warranty. If they have no proof of their roofs being assessed by a professional contractor, their warranty will be void.

3. It Detects Early Damage from Aging and Weathering

Just as humans age with time, roofs do the same. After many years, they begin to wear or leak. By getting an inspector to check them regularly, a homeowner will be able to know the extent of the damage. This will also help to prevent them from further damage.

4. Quick Prevention of Serious Damage After Storms

Weather can be unpredictable and cause great damage to houses. Winds and hails could pull off the roof and destroy it completely. Other times, the damage may not be obvious. In this case, a thorough assessment will help you to detect leaks and avert further damages.

5. It Checks Structural Integrity Below Surface

It will take a trained individual to determine problems below the surface of your rooftop. It might be easy to check if the tiles and shingles are missing but the sub-surface issues might be hard to see. Most damages to a roof are caused by sub-surface problems. One of such is mold build-up and the earlier it is detected, the easier it is resolved.

6. Prevention Is Better Than Repair

A saying explains how important it is to be quick in preventing things from escalating or needing a cure. This is true in roof inspections. Having your roofs checked regularly will avert any problems from spreading.

You may want to wait for obvious signs before concluding that it is a leaky roof. But from inspection, it is possible to detect other potential threats to your rooftop. If you will need repairs, the contractor you hire will be glad to inform you.

7. You Will Get Professional Help

Some homeowners take this assessment as something they can pull off themselves. This is not always possible. Rather than doing it yourself, try to employ the services of a professional. They are certified and trained to help you with cases such as this. They also carry out technical tests you may not know about during this inspection.

A very important point to make here is the importance of ensuring that the company you choose operates within your locality. If for example, you live in Raleigh, NC, choosing a roofing company in Raleigh will be the right decision as they should have a good idea of the terrain and other important local factors to be considered.

8. Inspectors Prioritize Safety Measures

Roofing assessment comes with high risks. If you decide to do it yourself, you are prone to having serious injuries or accidents. This is because you might not have the necessary safety tools and equipment.

A professional inspection won’t be properly done by standing on the floor or staying halfway on a ladder; it is done on the rooftop. At times, many pro roofers make use of drones so they can carefully search for damages and leaks. Using advanced safety technology is what makes hiring a professional important.

9. It Prevents You from Adding to Your Roof’s Damage

There are certain things you may do that could cause wear to the rooftop. It could be the HVAC system causing the issues or maybe a damaged pipe. Quickly changing or replacing this will help to avoid further problems with the roof.

10. It Reduces Extra Roof Repairs Cost

Regularly carrying out an assessment will make it easy to get simple repairs done promptly. If rooftops are not routinely examined, damages could spread and become more serious. In the end, it would require total repairs or replacements which would cost you a lot more.


It is important for homeowners to inspect their rooftops regularly. Whether prospective or existing homeowners, this inspection will benefit all. It will help you get professional help, expert advice, and save repair costs.
