9 Tips For Managing Your Lawn During The Rainy Season

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The changing seasons can be quite stressful without the need to worry about how your lawn is handling rain constantly beating down on it. The rainy season can be particularly tough on grassy areas as water accumulates and starts causing concern.

Knowledge is the best way to counter the stress that comes from weather changes as well as their effects. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to best take care of their lawns during the rainy season. Fortunately, this article provides 9 effective tips from Discover Ziehler for managing your lawn during the rainy season.

Avoid Mowing Your Wet Lawn

Mowing your lawn after it rains is the worst thing you can do to it. Wet grass usually causes quite a mess to clean up as well as irreplaceable damage to both your lawn and the equipment used. Cutting breakable blades after it rains causes them to weaken and have problems when it comes to growing back.

The wet grass that you cut will most likely clump into sections and if you don’t clear them properly, it is likely to result in patches of dead grass all over your lawn. Fixing and cleaning up the damage caused after mowing your wet lawn is not worth the hassle.

You should never mow your wet lawn. Instead, wait until it dries out completely before you cut it. Mowing your wet lawn will not only lead to compaction, but it can lead to the development of ruts in the soft ground. You should also avoid using an electric mower on damp or wet lawns. Once the lawn has dried enough to mow, ensure that you use the highest cutting height on the mower blades.

Avoid Cutting the Grass Too Short

People tend to instinctively cut the grass as short as possible, assuming that it will provide a cleaner and more professional look. However, tall grass looks not only more welcoming and lusher, but helps support the lawn’s overall health.

Tall grass promotes deeper roots, which in turn prevents soil erosion. Preventing erosion is critical during the rainy season, when runoff can create trenches or bare spots in the yard.  A strong root system helps stave off pests, disease, and heat stress.

Soak It In

The best thing that you can do for your lawn during the rainy season is to simply let it be. Especially if you had treated your lawn with fertilizer recently, rain helps the grass to absorb and retain all the good nutrients that surround it. It is just like when you moisturize after you take a shower. The water helps lock in all the good stuff and protect the internal structure of the grass for weeks to some.

Treat Your Flooded Lawn

If your lawn has been flooded, it is worth remembering that the silt that’s left behind could be contaminated. So, wear disposable rubber gloves, rubber boots, and cover any open wounds before you work outside. You should attempt to get rid of silt as well as any debris from the lawn by either raking it or hosing it off.

If your lawn has unfortunately been submerged for more than one week or if it is covered with over 0.75-inches of silt, it is highly likely that it will have to be re-laid, but this as well as any other major repairs to your lawn will have to wait until the rain subsides.

Aerate the Lawn

If your lawn has been very wet for some time, it can benefit from some aeration. Aeration can be done either manually or using a power aerator or garden fork. However, remedial treatments such as top-dressing, scarifying, or re-seeding bald patches will have to wait until next spring.

Get Rid of Moss

Moss and algae are likely to build up in damp conditions, which is not so good for your lawn. You can try raking away the moss and algae, but making sure that it never grows back might require professional intervention.

Look Out for Fairy Rings

Mushrooms are another thing that tends to pop up during the rainy season. Mushrooms are usually harmless and can be easily eliminated by mowing over them. What can be damaging is if mushrooms are growing in a fairy ring.

Fairy rings can happen when mushrooms grow in a circle with dark, green grass in the center. The grass at the center of a fairy ring eventually dies since it is competing with mushrooms for water. If you find a fairy ring, immediately remove the mushrooms down to the roots.


Heavy rains may wash away important nutrients needed by your lawn to thrive. The nutrients can be replenished by fertilizing the lawn. You should continue with the fertilizer application even after the lawn has started to recover so that it may rebuild healthy roots.

Keep Off

It is important to keep off the wet grass. You should not walk on wet grass if at all possible. This may cause the grass blades to become damaged. You should wait for the water to completely subside before walking on it. A good rule of thumb is that you should be capable of walking on it without leaving footprints.

The rainy season can be quite frustrating for people with lawns, but remember that it can be beneficial too. Always be on the lookout for places of flooding and mushrooms after it rains heavily and don’t forget to call a lawn service in case problems arise. You should also avoid mowing wet grass, and be patient by allowing the grass to fully soak in the goodness of the rain.

If you follow the information, tips and advice provided here, you are guaranteed to have a great lawn for years to come. If you need help when it comes to taking proper care of your lawn, it can be a good idea to contact a lawn care service that can give you a comprehensive lawn care analysis as well as set you up with a good lawn maintenance plan.


