5 DIY House Disinfectant Amidst Coronavirus

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During unprecedented and uncertain times we can often feel anxious and out of control. However, amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, the one aspect we can control is to ensure our home is clean and disinfected as much as possible to combat the spread within our own environment.

Germs have the capability of remaining on surfaces for hours if not days, this is why it is crucial to disinfect areas straight after you touch them and before touching your face, other surfaces and loved ones. This will not only ensure the protection of your home, yourself and your household but you will also be doing your part for the extended community.

This article delves deeply into the ways in which you can confidently disinfect your home and ensure your loved ones are safe and healthy. Here are 5 DIY Ways You Can Disinfect Your Home Amidst The Coronavirus pandemic: 

Wash Your Hands

It has been shown that one of the most important and effective ways to combat this unforeseen virus is to wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time. It has been drilled into our heads by now that washing your hands after every single interaction with a person, a surface or product greatly increases your chances of not contracting COVID-19. Washing your hands with soap and water will also reduce the risk of passing the virus onto others.

Isolate If Showing Symptoms

If you or someone in your household is showing signs of flu-like symptoms, even as mild as a minor cough or sniffly nose, it is imperative that they isolate from the rest of the home. Do not take any unnecessary risks during a time of a pandemic, it is not worth it. This will not only protect the rest of your household but will also prevent infected surfaces around the home. If you are showing symptoms of being sick, even if you do not have the virus, your immune system will be compromised and make you more vulnerable. Even if you are not sick, you should stay home as much as possible as recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Target High-Traffic and High-Touch Spaces

High-traffic and surface that are handled or interacted with often are the areas that you have to be most vigilant with. Ensuring that these surfaces and areas are disinfected regularly is vital to the safety and health of your household while reducing the risk of contracting and passing along Coronavirus. Some objects or areas that may need additional protection and focus are as follows: doorknobs, tabletops, remotes, electronic devices, bathrooms and toilets, countertops, keys, facets, light switches and more.

Disinfect Electronic Devices

In this day and age, we are constantly on our phones, tablets, laptops, and computers. With the outbreak of COVID-19, it is essential that you are on top of regularly cleaning and disinfecting your electronic devices, especially due to the fact that the germs and transmitters of this virus can remain on your device for more than 24 hours. Wipe done the surface of your electronic devices with an alcohol wipe, Glen 20, or disinfectant wipes multiple times throughout the day so you can still enjoy entertainment while increasing your health and safety during these unprecedented times.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer

As most of us have noticed and experienced, due to panic buying, it is near impossible to source hand sanitizer anywhere. The shelves are empty, yet this does not mean you can’t protect yourself. Concocting your own homemade sanitizer is simple and easy. All you need is 3 ingredients – rubbing alcohol, aloe vera gel and some form of essential oil or alternatively you can use lemon juice.

We still always recommend that washing your hands with simple soap and water is a lot more effective, but having hand sanitizer at your disposal can assist and be a decent substitute in an emergency.

Through the unprecedented, unpredictable and fearful times of the Coronavirus pandemic, it is of the utmost importance that we keep ourselves, our loved ones and the great community as safe and as healthy as possible. Doing your part may not seem like much but it will reduce the spread, save lives and save livelihoods. If you are concerned about the integrity of your home you can always seek expert advice from Building Inspector Melbourne to give you peace of mind.


Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community




