How to Get Rid of June Bugs: an Useful Guide for You

Summer is coming! It’s great because it is the perfect time to enjoy holidays and all-night parties. However, your relaxation time can be rudely interrupted by June bugs or June beetles, which are common, unwelcome visitors whenever summer comes around. What do you know about June bugs? Why should we even worry about them? Do you know how to get rid of June bugs? We will help you to answer all these questions.

General Information about June Bugs

They are found outdoors commonly from late May to early June in many parts of the United States. There are many types of beetles sharing this same name such as the European chafer beetle, the green June beetle, the Japanese beetle and others. No matter what name they have, they all have something in common. Firstly, they are often active at night. Most June bugs are nocturnal, meaning that they work mostly during the night in search of food. Secondly, they are not aggressive in any way, and they don’t attack or bite human beings. Thirdly, they are attracted by night lights. As a result, using lights at night is the fastest way to identify whether your garden has been invaded by June beetles or not. Fourthly, in terms of appearance, almost all June bugs are rather large and oval. Their color is ranges from greenish-yellow through to dark brown. Understanding their habits are the key to controlling them, so we’ll tell you a little more, so that you’ll know how to get rid of June bugs for yourself.

Why We Need to Know How to Get Rid of June Bugs


As we mentioned before, June bugs are not interested in biting humans, however, they can do a great deal of damage to your garden. June bug larvae feed on the roots of grass, plants and flowers. They lead to unsightly spots on your lawn, and also cause your plants and flowers to gradually die over time. More seriously, your soil quality will decrease because of the fact that there are a lot of underground larvae creating tunnels in order to find food. Plus, June bugs are a favorite food of predators such as moles or gophers. Attracting these other creatures is not what you want to do either. The lifespan of a June bug is quite short, about one year; nonetheless, its dramatic speed of reproduction counteracts this. Before you know it, you can have an absolute plague of them. It is essential to know how to eliminate June bugs before the problem is beyond your control.

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Some Useful Tips for How to Get Rid of June Bugs

Let’s specifically discuss what you can do to eradicate June bugs from your garden once and for all. It’s important to try organic methods first, before resorting to more toxic measures, to protect your family, pets, and the environment.

Organic Methods

  • Begin with keeping your grass healthy. A good irrigation system and good drainage are essential conditions to make sure your lawn is in peak condition and can withstand the attacks of June bugs.
  • Keep your lawn a little longer in summer. According to the experts, June bugs tend to lay their eggs on short grass, so don’t mow your grass too short.
  • Use beneficial nematodes. Nematodes are parasites that feed on grubs, beetles and other pests. They are so tiny that you need a microscope to see them. Nematodes will eat the larvae of the June bugs while they are still in the “uterus”. They can be purchased online or from some garden stores in powder form. The powder is then mixed with water and sprayed onto the lawn or other plants. Apply it directly to your soil and you will have positive results just in a short time.
  • Make the most of natural predators. June bugs often fall prey to frogs, toads and birds. According to statistics, adult toads can eat up to 81% of the uninvited pests in your yard. Frogs and toads are also active at night, so they’ll be awake to catch those June bugs for you.
  • Make a trap. Taking advantage of the fact that June bugs are attracted by night lights is a good way to catch them. Prepare a jar, put a light on the top and pour vegetable oil at the bottom. Open the jar, wait and in a short time you should see June bugs getting trapped in the oil.
  • Spray your lawn with something that has an offensive smell. Garlic is a good example. Grind some garlic, mix it with water and spray this onto the lawn. This method is just a temporary solution because offensive smells will only drive them away without actually killing them. They will probably be back in a few days, so combine this with other methods.

Inorganic Ways

When you have an escalating problem with June bugs, you may have to resort to chemical methods. These methods, such as spraying pesticides or other chemicals will show results faster and be more effective than organic means. Nevertheless, don’t forget that there are two sides to every coin. Applying insecticides regularly is risky because it harms beneficial insects in the garden and even degrades your soil.

Insecticide is appropriate only when your lawn is healthy enough to recover from damages. For the best effect, choose insecticide products that consist of clothianidin or chlorantraniloprole and implement spraying from late July to early September. Don’t let the grubs get too large, otherwise even insecticide may be ineffective. If you use it too early though, it may wash away before the grubs appear. Correct timing is the key to success with this method. If you have no time to get rid of those annoying June bugs yourself, then your last resort is to call an exterminator. Not the cheapest, but definitely the fastest way!


A June bug infestation can cause considerable damage to your beautiful garden. It is critical for you to take action right after you discover the first signs of invasion. Both organic or inorganic ways are highly effective, but they both have pros and cons. First, understand how serious your problem is, and then decide which method is better for you to use to get rid of June bugs.

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