Key Tips On How To Go Green At Home

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Eco-friendly, energy-efficient, sustainable—these are just some of the ways you can describe the movement to “go green”. This recent desire for households to become more environmentally friendly may cause some to become overwhelmed when they consider what changes need to be made. You may be thinking right now that you would need to spend a lot of money just to make these changes. However, you can start making small changes, and slowly by slowly, and you can then move into more significant improvements, besides other outdoor activities. To make things better for the Earth, you actually don’t have to shell out a lot. And if you begin making changes now, you and your family can start feeling better because you’re now reducing your carbon footprint without putting a hole in your wallet. If you’re still unsure how to start, we’ll be happy to give you the different key tips on how to go green at home.

Ways To Go Green At Home

Temperature-regulating walls and solar panels are not the only ways that you can make your home eco-friendly. There are a lot of fun yet straightforward changes you can make to help save our planet.

1. Start using LEDs and CFLs.

Up front, incandescent light bulbs may be cheaper, however, in the long run, CFLs and LEDs are more efficient. LEDs and CFLs use only a quarter of electricity that incandescent light bulbs consume.

2. Turn off your lights.

Every time a room is empty, make sure that the lights are turned off. And if people in your household keep forgetting to turn the lights off, you can install motion sensors so that the lights turn off by themselves.

3. Set your temperatures properly.

Your freezer and refrigerator consume the most energy in your house, and this is why you should make sure they’re working correctly.

How to set temperatures correctly:

● Set your fridge at 37 F.
● Set your freezer at -3 F.
● Make sure to close your freezer and fridge’s doors immediately after grabbing what you need.
● Lower your electric thermostat’s temperature when people are asleep.
● Set your water heaters between 120 F and 140 F. Safety tip, remember if you have any problems don’t attempt to repair it by yourself, you can contact your local water heater repair company and let them do the trick.
● Open windows, drapes, and shutters to let fresh air in.

4. Go unplugged.

Turn off your electronic appliances when you’re not using them. Standby mode still consumes a small amount of electricity.

5. Use your appliances efficiently.

Your appliances have their functions and making sure that they accurately do these functions is important in order to save electricity.

How to use your appliances efficiently:

● Use your washing machine, dryer, or dishwasher only during a full load.
● Clean your filters regularly.
● Use air-dry when using your dishwasher.
● Preheat the oven only when you need to.
● Repair or replace your appliances when they’re broken.

6. Ban smoking.

Never let anyone smoke in the premises of your home. Cigarettes can cause cancer, cardiovascular issues, and respiratory issues. And if you ban them in your home, can help you cleanse the air in your home.

7. Grow plants in your home.

Plants are natural air filters, and if you have them in your home, they can act as absorbers of air pollutants. Plus, if you grow plants that are edible (like herbs and small veggies), you won’t need to purchase them from the grocery store.

Herbs that you can grow indoors:

● Lemon balm
● Chives
● Mint
● Parsley
● Basil
If you have a lawn, you can also plant trees. These will not only give you shade during sunny days but this will also be very appropriate for your landscape. Bellarine Trees can help you with this one.

8. Replace cleaners with a cloth.

You can switch your cleaning products to microfiber cloths. The microfiber cloths attract dust and dirt all by themselves. And you don’t need to throw them out after every use since you can wash them after use, and reuse them again.

9. Turn your kitchen scraps into compost.

Put your kitchen’s organic matters in a compost bin or pile. You can use the compost for your edible garden, so you won’t need to buy fertilizer anymore while at the same time reducing landfill waste.

You can turn these types of food waste into compost:

● Vegetable and fruit waste
● Grains
● Old spices
● Eggshells
● Corn cobs and husks
● Outdated boxed foods

10. Use durable goods.

If you keep using disposable goods, you’ll just keep adding to the pile of waste. So, try switching to durable products which you can use again and again.

You can use:

● Reusable razors instead of disposable one
● Ceramic cups and plates instead of plastic cups and paper plates
● Food containers instead of plastic wrap
● Rechargeable batteries instead single-use batteries

To Sum Up

Making your house greener doesn’t mean that you’d have to spend a lot, in fact, these changes can actually help you save money. These fix-ups are easy and cheap, but these minor changes can help make a big difference in the world. You can start with the tips that we have given above, and slowly by slowly, and you can start doing more. Try a few of these and you’ll be blown away by how much you’re able to improve our planet from within the premises of your home.

Author bio:

Daniel Stone

Daniel has worked in the management, cutting, and caring of trees for the last 20 years. He works and helps run Bellarine Trees and is passionate about the environment and tree worker safety. He has a wife and two daughters and he enjoys playing tennis in his spare time.

