Useful Tips To Seed Your Lawn

Seeding Lawn -  Useful Tips That You Need To Know

If you are reading this article, maybe you would like to have a beautiful garden, and you are intending to create one by seeding your lawn. I can tell you that seeding is not very hard to complete, but if you are a newbie at gardening, then some practical tips are always useful in order to help you seed more efficiently, and that is the main topic of this article. So, keep reading!


Step1: Picking Seeds


Do not be rushed to seed the lawn immediately. Minor care and preparation will make your grasses grow better.

First, choose the grass type that you like and want to seed in your lawn. Depending on the season that you are in and the weather in your region, you can choose a suitable grass type. Actually, the perfect seasons of the year to seed are the fall and spring. According to research from the university of Massachusetts, the ground is still warm for the grass to grow in the early fall. Besides, sometimes, it still has sunlight and light rain. That is the best condition for seeding the new lawn. It creates sufficient sunlight and humidity for the grass to grow.

Next, for the types of grass, you can choose either one type of grass seed or the mix of more than two types of grass seeds. When choosing the type of grass, there are some information on the label that you may want to pay more attention to:

  • The type of grass
  • Other crop seeds in the package
  • Germination rate of the seed
  • Coverage chart (to determine the amount of seed for your lawn)

Step 2: Preparing Soil


After picking the right seed for your lawn, preparing your lawn is the next thing that we should do. Using a raw soil to seed is never recommended because it could affect the grass growth and its health. In additional, this step also makes your lawn look nicer and neater.

First, clear the soil from weeds, rocks and roots of old dead grass or plants. You can use a sod cutter to remove old grass roots. Make sure that old roots are removed, as it could affect the development of the new grass roots. Hard soil also needs to be loosened, as grass could not grow in a compacted soil. We can use a rake or shovel to break up the soil.

The next step is to test the soil’s pH level. To ensure the germination rate, we need to make sure that the soil is at its best condition. Use a pH-testing kit to test the pH level. If the number shows between 6.0 and 7.5, then your soil is good for the next phrase. Depending on the specific nutrient level of the soil, sometimes you may need to add some extra multi-nutrients to have the best conditions for it.

Let's Plant


This is the easiest part of completing the seeding process. Start by raking the surface and spread the seeds evenly by using a dropper or broadcast spreader. Depending on the turf situation, you can choose a spreader which has two wheels or a bucket for seeding. During the first spreading session, make sure that you spread it evenly by walking in one direction with the proper rate in accordance with the instruction of the manufacturer. For the second spreading, spread the rest of the seeds bag by walking in the opposite direction.

After seeding, use a rake and work again in order to make seeds go down a little bit deeper (just a little bit). This trick can make germination faster. Finally, use a roller and roll it all around the surface of the lawn, in the same direction, to make sure that the contact between soil and seed is good. Meanwhile, water it a little more in order to help seeds grow easier.

Taking Care Of The Lawn After Seeding


Seeding is not just the end of your work. For the health and growth of your lawn, caring for the lawn after seeding is necessary. Depending on the weather of each season, we can give the lawn some extra water daily. However, make sure that the soil is not too humid. Excess humidity does not help grass roots develop. Therefore, we should create a special watering schedule for the new seeded lawn, until the height of grass is around one inch tall.

During this period, watering in the morning is still preferred. Likes we said in the previous article, early morning time can prevent fast evaporation. Therefore, keep watering the lawn frequently in the morning. On the other hand, local farmers recommend to water the new lawn irregularly without any specific schedule. In this way, the lawn will be a little dry, and this situation is fine for the new lawn to balance with the region’s weather condition. When watering, keep in mind that you need to water deeply in order to allow water to absorb well into the ground so that roots can develop. From the beginning, your grass needs strong roots to absorb the nutrients well. To enhance water absorption into the soil, keep removing weeds, thatch, and anything that could take the water from your grass.

Problems After Seeding Lawn

After seeding the lawn, there could be some problems on the surface: uneven spreading of seeds, unexpected germination rate, etc. If there are just a few small issues like these, you can handle them easily by yourself. For most of the situations, you can remove the dead grass and loosen the soil again like in the first steps. Then, spreading grass on the soil again and raking it will help.

However, if it still happens or shows too many issues on the new lawn, then you should see local farmers for specific advices.



This article gives you an overview about how to seed your lawn. It may be useful for those who love gardening and intend to create a new lawn. So, you can also share these tips with friends if they need it. Sharing your passion is always the best way to enhance your relationship, right? Just remember the tips here, and try to apply them when seeding your lawn. We are pretty sure that these tips will help save your gardening time and help your grass grow healthier also because that is the main purpose of this article.

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