How to Hire Male Strippers for Your Bachelorette Party?

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Girls just want to have fun. Most of the time girls have fun with each other. They love to gossip, they love to shop, and they love to drool over hot men. Of course, this is a generalization of a single girl’s preferences. But, there is a little bit of truth there. Most women love these things, and there is nothing wrong about it.

So, time goes by, and an ordinary girl enjoys these things. Then, she gets into a relationship and has less time to gossip with her friends. She stops looking at other men, and the relationship gets serious. Then, out of nowhere she gets proposed to, she accepts, and now she’s getting married. What should you do? How should you plan a perfect party? What will make it so great that everyone will remember it for the rest of their lives?

The answer to all of these questions is hiring a few male strippers to crank the heat up. This will make the party go from zero to one hundred real quick. Since the single girl will be wed to a man, hopefully for the rest of her life, it’s a perfect way to spend the last night of premarital life.

What should you expect when you hire a male stripper?

First of all, expect a lot of fun. Almost all strippers have a unique entrance. As a friend of the bride, you can make the specifications to suit her. The man can arrive in a costume of your choice. The most popular ones are policemen, firemen, and pizza delivery men.

Imagine this situation. The party starts, and everyone starts drinking. You turn up the music and start dancing. Everyone is happy and singing, and then the doorbell rings. The bride opens the door and sees a policeman in full uniform telling her that there was a problem with the music. Mainly, the neighbors complained and called them. Just as she starts to panic, the policeman says that the problem was that it wasn’t loud enough. He then takes off his shirt and his pants and starts dancing with the bride. Ten out of ten, best entrance ever.

But, the fun doesn’t stop there. That was only the entrance. All strippers have chiselled bodies like they were carved out of stone. Their abs are fantastic, their arms are strong, and their pecs move to the sound of a song. The future husband of the bride will probably let loose a beer belly after getting married. So, this will be the last time she’ll be able to feast her eyes upon a man with the physique of a Greek god.

Where can you find them?

Like everything else nowadays, you can find them both online and near you. The Majesty Male Strippers official website is an example of a great place to start if you want to use the internet. But, if you live in a city with around 200 thousand people or more, there is most likely a strip club near you. The only challenge here is that sometimes strip clubs are listed as nightclubs. This will make it harder to find them.

You can check here for more information about Charlotte Male Strippers.

After you locate a place, call and ask if they have male escorts and whether they strip. Sometimes, word of mouth goes a long way so you can ask whether your friends know a place. However, if you live in a rural area, then it’s even more challenging. You’ll have to travel to a town to party, or you can ask a guy who isn’t too shy to take his clothes off.

What should you ask a company if you find one?

The first thing to ask is for some photos of their men. Most bachelorette parties include a sexy man in his twenties, up to his early thirties. That’s where seeing the images comes into play, you can pick and choose who comes to the party. The next thing to ask is what the dancer will do. This usually means the number of songs, any acrobatics and similar things. With this, you can get a different price, depending on what you like. Typically, the price for an hour goes from 150 to 250 dollars. This isn’t much if there is a group of 10 or more friends surprising the bride.

Other things that you might want to know include the amount of skin that everyone will see. This means if the stripper will undress all the way, or will he be in his underwear. The costume is also very important. Whether it’s a cowboy, businessman, Tarzan, policeman, will play a major role in the atmosphere. Finally, ask how you should pay. Will it be all upfront, 50 per cent upfront and things of that nature.

How to ensure that everything goes smoothly?

Generally, strippers are late. This is a tactic that makes everyone expect them more, and they use it to their advantage. But, sometimes the men have a party before yours and after it. And, if you don’t give them an exact location, this can be disastrous. They might get lost and miss the timeframe of your party and never show up. Or, they might come and stay only a short while. No one wants this to happen, so, plan ahead. Click here to read more.

Pay with a credit card just in case. This will allow you to dispute the charge if no one comes or if the service isn’t as you wanted it to be. Also, just because you’re hiring a stripper, that doesn’t mean you’ll want to see them entirely naked. This goes for all of the people at the party. As a final note, try to book the person a few days ahead. Then, before the event or a day before, give them a call. Make sure that everything is according to plan. Some agencies that provide these kinds of services can be shady, so have that in mind.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun. It’s the final single night of the bride to be. Make sure that it’s one that everyone will remember.

