3 Lawn Mowing Hacks To Help Your Grass Stay Gorgeous

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It’s no secret that lawn care is a top priority for most people with a garden. You don’t want to see your grassy area look yellow and patchy – it needs to be vibrant and green at all times! Unfortunately, it’s easy for things to go downhill and for your lawn to lose some of its shine. However, it’s equally easy to stop the decline in its tracks and get things back to normal.

But, the best approach is to stop the decline before it happens. This means you follow a strict lawn care routine, at the heart of which should be your mowing technique. Lawn mowing service is essential if you want your grass to stay gorgeous. Bearing that in mind, here are some hacks to help you improve your mowing routine:

Mow your lawn every week

It sounds excessive, but this is the best way to ensure your lawn stays a healthy length. If you let your lawn grow out too long, then it becomes overgrown and nasty. Additionally, you’re not supposed to cut your grass too short, and this ensures that you can trim your lawn every week without it getting out of control. Some of you may think this is an impossible task as your garden is massive and takes over an hour to cut. But, you can get things like stand-on mowers from Bradley Mowers that take all the physical strain out of this task. A stand-on or sit-down mower cuts your mowing time in half, meaning it’s a lot easier to get out there and do it frequently.

Cut the lawn about a third of its height

As just touched upon, the height of your lawn matters a lot. Many people are guilty of something called scalping, which is where you cut the lawn far too close to the ground. The result is a load of ugly muddy or brown areas as your lawn is way too short. This is an even bigger problem in the summer as the scalped areas quickly dry out and harden. As a general rule of thumb, try and cut your grass to about a third of its current height. Do this every time you go out there, and it ensures you keep it to a decent length without going too short.

Service your mower and change the blades

Lastly, you have to get your mower serviced at least once a year. Preferably, you should do this before summer as this is when you’ll be outside mowing your lawn weekly. Servicing will show you how healthy your mower is and if the blades need to be changed. Dull blades will lead to a rubbish cut that can end up damaging your lawn. Typically, the blades are so blunt that you have to keep going over your lawn and it basically gets chewed up. So, maintain your mower if you want to maintain your lawn.

Learn how to mow your lawn and you will soon see dramatic improvements in the health of your grassy areas. Of course, don’t neglect other elements of lawn care and maintenance either!

